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Fungal Nails Treatment

Fungus nail infection is a dreadful term for most women as it affects the aesthetic of the feet. This problem is more common than most people think. Almost one in five elderly people are likely to develop fungal nails at some point. Men and women are equally susceptible to getting fungal nail infection.


Fungal nails present as yellow, thick nails and usually have an odor to them. Being diabetic makes you more susceptible for any skin and nail infection, including fungal infections of nail.

Common Reasons for Fungal Nail infections

  • Poor hygiene at pedicure places

    • Fungal nails could develop as a result of pedicures done at places that do not follow proper instruments sterilization protocol. Lack of sanitation comes with a risk of spreading the fungus nail infection from one client to another

  • Trauma to the nail

    • Generally caused by an injury while playing sports, accidentally stubbing toenail, or simply due to picking of toenail.

    • Trauma to the nail results in the nail being loose from nail bed, creating a space where fungus can get in and breed.

  • Walking barefoot in public places

    • More likely to occur in fitness centre, swimming pools, and locker rooms because of the damp and moist environment.

  • Moist and sweaty feet

    • Some people are naturally prone to increased sweat gland production

    • Working conditions where shoes could often get wet

  • Weak immune system

Treatment for Fungal Nails

  • Prescription topical anti-fungal creams and ointments

  • Oral anti-fungal medication

  • Minor surgical removal of the nail followed by topical anti-fungal cream/ointment

  • Nail Drilling

  • Laser Treatment

  • Ongoing Foot hygiene

  • Keep your feet dry and clean

  • Rotate your shoes, use disinfectant as necessary

  • Disinfect your nail clipper after using it on fungal nails, as this will prevent the spread of fungal toenail infection

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